Know-It-All Quiz No. 5
The First Thirteen State Capitals

These readers have won points toward a “Know-It-All” Certificate
Sandy Adrion
4 points
Sandra Cobb
4 points
Dave Edwards
4 points
Bob Kozak
4 points
Cindy Blevins
2 points
Julia Harris
2 points
Megan Plauger
1 point
Anne J. Stoudt
2 points
Paul Evans
1 point
Peter Senft
1 point
Linda Zinn
1 point

Quiz #5
The First 13 State Capitols
There is no reason to leave this page if you want to compete in this quiz. You will have to do some reading and you must be very observant.
Fill in the form below and click the send button.
Answer any five questions to earn 1 point. If you answer all 13 questions you will earn 1 bonus point. If you earn the bonus point you will have an advantage in Quiz #6 when it appears the first Sunday in January.
The Questions
A. Which state capitol building was designed without a dome?
B. Which of the original 13 capitals have had the most capitols?
C. Name the state with the most capitals.
D. Name the state capitol building located in a park.
E. Where is the state capitol building that may have cost the most in its time?
F. Where is the capitol that President Roosevelt thought was most beautiful?
G. Which capitol building was destroyed during the Civil War?
H. Name the state using the oldest capitol building.
I. Which state capitol building was destroyed by fire in 1831?
J. Which state’s first capitol building had a belltower instead of a dome?
K. Name the state capitol that displays a prominent painting of George Washington.
L. In which state is there a capitol dome covered with copper installed by Paul Revere?
M. Which state spent the least amount of money building their capitol?
Use The Form Below to Submit Your Answers
Contest Deadline for Quiz #5 is
Friday, October 16, 2020 at midnight.
You have an extra week to complete Quiz #5.
The Postcard History Quiz will be on hiatus until the first Sunday in January.
If you have earned five points, Postcard History will award you a “Postcard Know-It-All Certificate” in the near future.
If you have not yet accumulated five points, your points will carryover to the next round of Quizes when they resume on January 4, 2021.
Or, you can go back and complete any quiz you missed as long as you complete all entries before October 16.