Editor’s Staff
The Feburary 2021
Postcard History Quiz

The February 2021 Postcard History Quiz
Postcard History welcomes you to February. This is the second in the 2021 series.
Charles Chaplin
The deadline for this quiz will be 11:59 PM, Friday, February 19.
Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was not born to a royal family. His childhood was mostly unpleasant. His father left the family and his mother was indigent. He was sent to workhouses twice before he reached his teen-years. Indifferent to his circumstance he developed a work-ethic early in life and began a self-designed career by age 19.
For nearly five decades he may have been the most famous and most recognized individual in the world. Not because of his skills as a comic actor, filmmaker, or composer; not because he was married four times, had eleven children, or was devilishly handsome, but because he perfected an on-screen persona in the silent-film era as a tramp. The Tramp who made people laugh.
Charlie Chaplin entertained the world. He completed 82 movies for six different studios and left seven unfinished and had time to appear in four cameos.
When he died on Christmas Day 1977, he was 88 years old and likely one of the world’s richest men.
Mr. Chaplin was in every regard an Englishman, but America has honored him in many ways, one of which is his recognition as a filmmaker by the United States Library of Congress. Six of Chaplin’s films have been chosen for our National Film Registry.
Hint: three of the four film title answers are on this list: The Immigrant (1917), The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and The Great Dictator (1940).
When a staff member at Postcard History consulted an accomplished collector of Hollywood postcards, she chimed in with this quite interesting fact: she owns a few less than 400 different Charlie Chaplin postcards.
The five cards that prompt the questions in this quiz are circa 1985 reproductions of studio publicity photos. They range from 1916 to 1936.
For this quiz, to answer the questions you have several ways to research the answers. You could watch all of Chaplin’s movies, you could make a lot of guesses, or you can use your computer. Question #5 is a “give-away,” but the other four questions will require some diligent research. You are asked to couple the publicity photo with the title of the movie and the year the movie was made.
The cards are Numbered. The numbers correspond to the Answer Box slots. Your responses to questions #1 through #4 should be The Title of the Movie, year date. Your answer to question #5 is fill-in-the-blanks. You must use the Answer Box. Although, we welcome your comments, no entries will be considered if submitted through the comments section.
All fields in the Answer Box are required. Enter your answers and click the SEND button. Good luck.
Thank you for the very nice certificate!
Always challenging and enlightening fun.
I received my Know-It-All certificate in the mail. Thank You so much for sending it. I think the Charlie Chaplin contest was the hardest out of all of them. You had to know his work. You all are doing such a Great Job and I appreciate the time you put into this, so people like me can enjoy this.