The March 2021
Postcard History Quiz
Lions on Bridges

Lions on Bridges
The deadline for this quiz will be 11:59 PM, Monday, March 22nd.
Five correct answers will enable you to accumulate one point on your score toward a Postcard History Know-It-All Certificate.
However, it’s time for a tie-breaker.
Answer the tie-breaker correctly and win an extra point.
In this quiz, the answers are the names of the cities where lions are found guarding bridges. Each question has one hint. The hint should be enough to get you to the correct part of the world, then you’re on your own.
The Bridges are numbered 1 through 5. The numbers correspond to the Answer Box slots. Your responses should be The Name of the City Where the Bridge Can Be Found. The extra-credit point is quite obscure. To earn the extra point you most also Name the City Where the Lions are Found.
You must use the Answer Box. Although, we welcome your comments, no entries will be considered if submitted through the comments section.
All fields in the Answer Box are required. Enter your answers and click the SEND button. Good luck.

Not sure about some of the answers, but I did my best!
Really hard extra credit, but I had fun.