June 2, 2021

Postcard History Quiz Answers

Your Attention, Please!

The Postcard History 2021 Quizes (First Half)
are now officially closed.

Second Half begins on the first Monday in July

Postcard History Quiz Answers

Quiz No. 1, Faces of the Military – World War I was presented on January 4.

                In Quiz #1 you were asked to match the faces of five World War I military leaders to
                short biographies. If you wish to re-examine the quiz, go to the Postcard History homepage
                and use the article archive. Click on January 2021. The archived quiz is on page 2.

The answers are:

Hermann von Eichhorn: c
Henry Horne: b
August von Mackensen: d
Charles Mangin: e
John J. Pershing: a

Quiz No. 2, “Charlie” Chaplin Movie Scene Postcard presented on February 1.

In Quiz #2 you were shown five publicity photo postcards of scenes in Charles “Charlie”
Chaplin’s movies. If you wish to re-examine the quiz, go to the Postcard History homepage
and use the article archive. Click on February 2021. The archived quiz is on page 2.

The answers are:

Question 1: Modern Times, 1936
Question 2: City Lights, 1931
Question 3: The Rink, 1916
Question 4: The Gold Rush, 1925
Question 5: Mary Pickford and Barrymore

Quiz No. 3, Bridges Guarded by Lions presented on March 1.

In Quiz #3 you were shown five postcards showing Lions Guarding Bridges. You were
asked to identify the cities where the bridges are located. If you wish to re-examine the
quiz, go to the Postcard History homepage and use the article archive. Click on March 2021.
The archived quiz is on page 2.

A bonus question was included. If your answers to the five questions were correct, you
earned one point. If your answer to the bonus was correct, you earned a second point.

The answers are:

Bridge #1: Cairo, Egypt
Bridge #2: Vancouver, British Columbia
Bridge #3: Budapest, Hungry
Bridge #4: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Bridge #5: Saint Augustine, Florida
Extra Credit: Buffalo, New York

Quiz No. 4, At Work in America presented on April 5.

In Quiz #4 you were shown five postcards of people at work across America. You
were given lists of five places and five products. The test was to match the product being
made by the people at work and identify the place in which they were working. If you wish
to re-examine the quiz, go to the Postcard History homepage and use the article archive.
Click on April 2021. The archived quiz is on page 2.

The answers are:

Card #1: Florida / Celery
Card #2: Monroe, Wisconsin / Swiss cheese
Card #3: Vacaville, California / roller
Card #4: Syracuse, New York / Salt
Card #5: Chicago, Illinois / lard

Quiz No. 5, Portraits in the Louvre presented on May 3.

In Quiz #5 you were shown five postcards showing people whose portraits are exhibited
in the Louvre Museum in Paris. You were asked to match a thumb-nail biography to the
portrait it represented. If you wish to re-examine the quiz, go to the Postcard History
homepage and use the article archive. Click on May 2021. The archived quiz is on page 2.

The answers are:

Card #1: A, Anne of Cleves
Card #2: E Empress Josephine
Card #3: B Balthazar Castiglione 
Card #4: C Didier Erasmus 
Card #5: D Francis (King of France)

Congratulations to the Winners

Participant Quiz Number Score Total Points
Mary S. 2021/3 100% 4
  2021/4 100%  
  2021/5 100%  
Bob K. 2021/1 100% 3
  2021/5 100%  
  2021/4 100%  
Earl B. 2021/3 100%+1 2
Shav L. 2021/3 100%+1 2
Peter S. 2021/1 100%  
John O. P. 2021/1 100% 3
  2021/2 100%  
  2021/5 100%  
Ann S. 2021/1 100% 6
  2021/2 100%  
  2021/3 100%+1  
  2021/4 100%  
  2021/5 100%  
Terri C. 2021/3 100%+1 2
Sandra C. 2021/1 100% 5
  2021/3 100%+1  
  2021/4 100%  
  2021/5 100%  
Dave E. 2021/1 100% 4
  2021/2 100%  
  2021/4 100%  
  2021/5 100%  
Bob S. 2021/1 100%  
Barbara S. 2021/3 100%+1 2
James S. 2021/3 100%+1 2
Sandy A. 2021/1 100% 2
  2021/2 100%  
Julia H. 2021/1 100%  
Wendy K. 2021/3 100%+1 2
Cindy B. 2021/1 100% 5
  2021/2 100%  
  2021/5 100%  
  2021/3 100%+1  
Tina E 2021/5 100% 1
Harold R.H. 2021/4 100% 1
Val C. 2021/4 100% 1
Bonnie S 2021/5 100% 1

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