Welcome to the
Postcard History
United States Landmarks Quiz
Part 1 of 5
Those who enjoyed the Postcard History quizzes have requested more. We are happy to indulge them. The new quizzes will appear in a series of five at random intervals. Each quiz will include ten challenges. There will be fifty challenges (questions). If you answer the 50 correctly, you will receive an official Postcard History Know-it-All certificate. The answer to all challenges will be the name of a state. Name the state in the U.S.A. where the postcard image is located. You must use the Answer Form if you participate; no answers will be accepted from the comments section.
And, you should know the card captions will be altered to enhance the challenge, but the image size will be at 100% so you can search the picture for clues.
This sample challenge will give you an idea of how to participate.

When a handkerchief is dropped into this pool of hot swirling water it disappears immediately but reappears two minutes later thoroughly laundered by the hot water.
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Each challenge will show a full-size postcard with a very brief description. The image will be unique to one state in our country. The description will offer a clue and other clues may be found in the image. When you decide on your final answer, go to the Answer Form and insert your answer in the corresponding numbered box. When you have ten answers, click the SUBMIT button.
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American landmarks appear on millions of postcards, in Part I of this 5-part series, you will find ten images, each one unique to one state. Answer the challenge of – NAME THE STATE – by using the Answer Form. Then click, the Submit Button.
I enjoyed that. Please consider additional (perhaps non US) puzzles.
I knew only Nos. 2, 8, and 10 without Googling, so this was a good challenge!
I had to Google all 10 clues although I think (hope) I would have done better had it been my small home country of Scotland.