May 28, 2020

Postcard History Celebrates
One Year of Publication

May 2019

The first discussion concerning Postcard History happened a few years ago in a restaurant in York, Pennsylvania. A free online magazine, with an international readership would be a wonderful addition to our hobby, but the initial plans needed refinement and the concept had to wait for its launch. The wait ended one year ago today.

The first story on Postcard History was simply outlandish. The featured illustration was a headless body of a girl in a bikini. At the first postcard show in June, the whole room was buzzing with conversation about the new online magazine. Some said shocking, others smiled, and still more saw the potential for something great. Most everyone loved the concept and wanted more.

More came. And, it was created by people who know their topics from experience as collectors and a lifelong interest in postcards and history. The pieces presented are not all new. We have reprinted some from other postcard collecting eras, but the scholarship is solid and we want to give it a wider audience.

Today as Postcard History celebrates one year of publication, we with great pride of accomplishment, present our readers with a review of our first year that includes all 184 articles. We invite you to scan this page to find something you may have missed or to reread your favorites.

We would like to know your thoughts. Click on the green comments icon, it will take you to the comments box where you can leave us a message. You can also rate any article with a single click on our new one-to-five stars rating system.

All thumbnails and titles are linked to the article shown.
We hope you enjoy scrolling through our Postcard History!

June 2019

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Many thanks from the UK for a fantastic read. I have been collecting for many years but your articles still teach me more about this wonderful hobby.

Thank you Marion Turner! The goal is to be a resource for all collectors.

Congratulations on this first anniversary. Let me go back over this wonderful index and see if I missed anything. I’ll keep reading through this next year!

Congratulation on a First year. Lots of interesting articles. I would like to write one about the Golden age of Post Cards . 1898 -1918. I have many or these. Especially women and humor.

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