Author: Bonnie Wilpon

Reproduction Postcards – Be careful! They’re Out There!
Bonnie Wilpon
Reproduction Postcards
Be careful! They’re Out There!

Little People Postcards
Bonnie Wilpon
Little People Postcards
Postcard collectors frequently generate interest in the topic of “freak show” performers, people who appeared in circuses and carnivals. The cards that are most popular are those of little people.
Tiny people, whose proportions are just like ours, have always been a topic of interest.

Remembering Classic Television Stars
Bonnie Wilpon
Remembering Classic Television Stars
Postcards showing many classic television stars may be found at almost every postcard show. The cards remind us of people we miss. In this stroll down the memory lane of TV stardom, we’ll look back at some of the best.
Lucile Ball and Desi

Bonnie Wilpon
These days, I hear people bemoaning the commercialization of the holiday season. At least once during Black Friday, there’s a tale on the news of a shopper being trampled by a thundering horde galloping toward a big sale.
But in the wonderful

States Poke Fun At Themselves Through Postcards

The Tlingits: their life and legends
Bonnie Wilpon
The Tlingits:
their life and legends
Every so often I come across a set of postcards that captivates me. While the value of the set may be small, it’s the subject matter and the artistic rendering that make the grouping so lovely.
That was the case with these

How About Those Quiz Kids?
Bonnie Wilpon
How About Those Quiz Kids

Between 1940 and 1956, there were about 600 different Quiz Kids; a few dozen were regulars from the ages of 7 to 16. Millions of people tuned in on their radios on Sundays to listen to five young contestants, recording live. Red-bordered postcards