Author: Bonnie Wilpon

How Old Is That Postcard
Bonnie Wilpon
August 29, 2019
Bonnie Wilpon
How Old is That Postcard
Postcard collectors have a few tricks up their sleeves when it comes to quickly approximating, with just a quick glance, when cards were produced. With a little practice, you can do it too. Although the very earliest postcards were sent in the 1860s,

A Day at Disney World
Bonnie Wilpon
June 27, 2019
Bonnie Wilpon
A Day at Disney World

About Face
Bonnie Wilpon
June 13, 2019
Bonnie Wilpon
About Face
There’s a collectible postcard for every expression
Postcard collectors often say that we collect whatever strikes our fancy. “Ummm . . . I’ll know it when I see it,” is a phrase often heard at postcard shows.
Every once in a while, I see a face