January 11, 2024

Author: Ray Hahn

The Story of Thomas Dornblaser

Mary “Sabrina” Dornblaser stayed home and raised her children while her husband Thomas was in service to his country during the American Civil War. Thomas was devoted to his family but believed that he had to help save the Union. Reluctantly he left his wife and daughter, Ida, and sons, …

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It Has Happened Again

Ray Hahn

It Has Happened Again

A month or so ago, late in November, there was an email in the editor’s inbox with the message, “Check this out!” Then another with the same message came a couple days ago. The last time, the email had a file attachment that showed

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Ray Hahn


Four plus five does not equal six.  5 + 6 ≠ 7.  7 + 8 ≠ 9, but one plus two equals three. Three is unique in this regard. It is the only number that is the sum of its two precedents.

There is no need for
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Women Wearing Barrels

Ray Hahn

Women Wearing Barrels

There are plenty of reasons why a woman would wear a barrel, but please forgive me if I am unable to think of a good one. The six-card set seen here is intended to be comic, which may be the best reason for anyone to

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At Midnight in Moonlight

At Midnight in Moonlight

Reginald Darcy Battle is a fictional character in a novel by an Irish newspaper reporter who longed to be famous but could only manage notoriety. His first and only novel was published early in the twentieth century when the Irish potato famine was still fresh in

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Sorry To Hear Your Parakeet Died!

Ray Hahn

Sorry To Hear Your Parakeet Died!

John Gould (1809-1881) was an English ornithologist. Gould is often referred to as the John Audubon of England, which may be a fairly apt characterization since Audubon (born in 1785) was nearly a quarter-century older than Gould.

Gould was born in Lyme

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Paris in Bloom – An Illustrated Checklist

Ray Hahn

Paris in Bloom

An Illustrated Checklist

Thomas Jefferson once said, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”

During three of the last four summers of the 1990s, I found myself in a situation that proved to

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The Columbian Trio Concert Company

Ray Hahn

The Columbian Trio
Concert Company

[Editor’s note: Through many years of collecting, one consistent thing has been that advertising postcards offer some of the most humanistic, interesting, and potentially educational history lessons. Stories such as this one of the Columbian Trio Concert Company would have long ago been

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The “OLE” Kentucky Bar-Daytona Beach, Florida

Ray Hahn

The “OLE” Kentucky Bar

Daytona Beach, Florida

On Sunday morning, March 10, 1918, the Hopkinsville Kentuckian [published by Charles Meacham in Christian County, Kentucky, from 1889 to 1918.] reported news from the area draft board. The board announced, as they did in those days, lists of names of

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Dear Grams

Ray Hahn

Dear Grams

Dear Grams,

            I guess by now Mom has told you that I got drafted into the United States Army. The notice came in the mail early last April and I was ordered to report to the induction center at Frankford on September 10th. I

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