Author: Kaya Fellcheck

The Road To . . . Movies with Bob, Bing, and Dorothy
The Road To...
Movies with Bob, Bing and Dorothy
The Road To movies are classics. The co-stars in each of the seven were Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. For most of us these actors need no introduction, but in case, allow me to remind you that Bob Hope

Day #61
Kaya Fellcheck
Day #61
When I surrendered my boarding pass to the Heathrow gate clerk on New Year’s Day for my flight to Miami, Florida, I intended to complete three tasks in the next thirty days: cross the Atlantic, learn to drive on the right and get myself to California.

Postcards Define the Indescribable
Kaya Fellcheck
Postcards Define the Indescribable
Imagine yourself a tourist in Paris in 1907. You are touring the world’s most vibrant city, but you feel an obligation to send word home to your loved-ones that you are safe and that you have seem some of the most glorious artwork ever

Sir William Wallace
Kaya Fellcheck
Sir William Wallace
The curtain opens. There stands these three men. Each raises his right hand and says,
My name is William Wallace

My name is William Wallace

My name is William Wallace

Who is the real William Wallace?
After reading this I guarantee that you could be

Painters Witness to Their Time
Kaya Fellcheck
Painters Witness to Their Time
After you read the title, STOP. If you are young, skip these paragraphs and read on after the image below. If, however, you remember the 1960s, I want you to IMAGINE and THINK. Imagine you are an artist with skills equal to Rembrandt,

Day #34, Thursday
Kaya Fellcheck
Day #34, Thursday
I checked in yesterday at an almost abandoned – because of the coronavirus scare – hotel. It is just off Interstate 5, a few miles from the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California. As I pulled-in to park at the hotel, my rental car’s odometer

Les Dentelles – The Laces Les Dentelles du francais – French Lace
Kaya Fellcheck
Les Dentelles – The Laces
Les Dentelles du francais – French Lace
Back in the dark ages when I created the first of my “travel destinations” bucket lists, one place that was about half-way down the page was Leiden, The Netherlands. I had a classmate, Lotte, in elementary